

Through a blend of corporate global strategy and local adaptation to the unique challenges and opportunities that each of our facilities and operating locations present, we're always working toward making our operations more sustainable.

Because it's the right thing to do.

We have a long-standing tradition of doing business with integrity. Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics sets 清晰的 expectations for all 微米 leaders, 组织, 团队成员, 承包商和供应商. The Code is communicated to these stakeholders through multiple channels, and our 团队成员 are routinely trained on its tenets.



We believe strongly in the importance of up-to-date, comprehensive and easy to understand 道德 and compliance policies and 实践. 每一位员工, manager and officer at 微米 is expected to live up to these 标准 and required to attend regular training sessions on 道德 and compliance issues.

We regularly update and implement these policies, 实践, and training programs to reflect changes in our operations and maintain our competitive position in the global marketplace.

women seeing a phone in the dark

公司治理 policies and procedures


When it comes to conducting business, we set the highest possible 标准 for ourselves. 我们的承诺 to quality, 可持续性 and business continuity are second to none.

Responsible Business Alliance (Formerly the EICC) 行为准则

美光科技有限公司., is committed to actively implementing the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), formerly the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) 行为准则, and requires its suppliers to do the same.

We are committed to meeting all of these expectations, 标准, and continuous improvement because it is the right thing to do, consistent with 微米’s commitment to conduct all our business with uncompromising integrity and professionalism. 详情载于 微米’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, as well as our Team Member Handbooks.



可持续性 is built right in.

Everything we do is with community and environmental 可持续性 in mind.



Our dedication to sustainable 实践 is exemplified by the 清晰的, tangible action that we have taken to benefit our environment, 我们的人民和我们的社区. 访问 our 可持续性 page to find our annual 可持续性 Report and other resources, and learn how the choices we're making today will help ensure we have the resources and talent we will need in the years ahead.

person operating ipad among leaves